Updated Cleaning Standards for a Post-COVID World: What You Need to Know

Introduction to Updated Cleaning Standards:

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we approach cleanliness and hygiene. With millions of people getting infected with the virus, it is essential that we take extra precautions when it comes to disinfecting and sanitizing our homes, workplaces, schools, and other public spaces. In this blog post, we will discuss updated cleaning standards in the wake of COVID-19.

Importance of Disinfecting and Sanitizing:

Disinfecting and sanitizing are two different processes that play a crucial role in preventing the spread of viruses like COVID-19. Disinfectants kill germs on surfaces while sanitizers reduce their number. It’s important to use both methods regularly to keep your environment free from contaminations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using EPA-registered disinfectants or sanitizers that can effectively eliminate coronavirus.

How to Properly Clean High-Traffic Areas:

High-traffic areas such as door knobs, countertops, stair railings, elevator buttons, and restroom facilities should be given special attention during cleaning. These areas are more prone to cross-contamination due to frequent touching by multiple individuals. Use a disinfectant spray or wipe to clean these areas thoroughly at least once per day. Also, avoid touching your face after coming into contact with high-traffic surfaces.

Frequently Asked Questions About Post-Pandemic Cleaning:

Q: How often should I clean my home?

A: During the pandemic, it’s recommended to deep clean your home every 2 weeks. This includes vacuuming carpets, mopping floors, dusting furniture, and washing linens. You should also pay close attention to high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and remote controls.

Q: What kind of cleaner should I use?

A: The CDC recommends using an EPA-registered disinfectant or sanitizer that can effectively eliminate coronavirus. Make sure to read the label carefully before purchasing any cleaning product. If you have children or pets, choose products that are safe for them too.

Q: Should I wear gloves while cleaning?

A: Yes, wearing gloves while cleaning is highly recommended. Gloves provide an additional layer of protection against germs and help prevent cross-contamination. Choose disposable gloves made of latex or nitrile material.


In conclusion, updating your cleaning standards is critical in maintaining a healthy and safe environment during the pandemic. By following simple steps like disinfecting and sanitizing frequently, properly cleaning high-traffic areas, and wearing protective gear, you can significantly reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. Remember to stay informed about the latest guidelines and recommendations issued by health organizations and follow them closely.

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