Facilities We Service
- Apartment Complexes
- Automobile Dealerships
- Banks/Credit Unions
- Bars & Taverns
- Bowling Alleys
- Car Rental Locations
- Churches
- Conference Centers
- Country Clubs
- Day Care Facilities
- Dialysis Centers
- Financial Institutions
- Gyms & Fitness Centers
- Health Care Facilities & Labs
- Hospitals
- Hotels & Conference Centers
- Medical Facilities
- Movie Theaters
- Multi-Tenant Office Buildings
- Municipal Buildings
- Office - General
- Office - Multi Tenant
- Post Construction Sites
- Restaurants
- Retail - Local and "Big Box"
- Salons
- Schools
- Veterinarian Clinics
Restaurant Cleaning San Diego
San Diego Restaurant Dining & Kitchen Cleaning
System4 of Southern California services many restaurant locations throughout Southern California, and as experts in this field we understand the importance of a clean restaurant and what it means for your business. We know the issues that concern San Diego restaurants most from unclean and smelly restrooms, to unforgiving grease under your cook lines, to employees that would rather not clean restrooms and filters when their shift is over.
When your customers select your San Diego restaurant as a place to dine, socialize, and break away from their daily activities, we help you provide the best atmosphere for an enjoyable experience. This can only be accomplished through delicious entrees, unmatched customer service and above all, a clean and healthy environment. System4 of Southern California provides affordable, professional Restaurant Cleaning Service for you.
At System4 of Southern California we use the most efficient equipment, chemicals and cleaning methods along with national buying power to keeps our rates to you low and affordable. More importantly we’ll customize our service to meet your restaurants’ specific cleaning needs and budget. Don’t risk losing customers due to dirty and foul odorous restrooms, or even worse, being featured on Dirty Dining. Let System4 handle your nightly cleaning and take this task off your plate, so that you and your team can focus your efforts on meal prep and planning, and providing exceptional customer service.
At System4 of Southern California, we are also aware of the many health regulations and guidelines that are associated with the cleaning requirements of restaurants. Ensuring that your establishment remains bacteria-free and in constant pristine condition are our primary concerns.
Partner with System4 of Southern California and let’s work to ensure that your customers have the most pleasant dining experience imaginable and your staff has a cleanest and safest work environment possible.
With System4 of Southern California, your San Diego restaurant will receive the following services:
- Floor and Carpet Care
- Restroom Sanitation
- Material Safety Data Sheets
- Customized Work Schedules
- 24 Hour Customer Service
- Hospital-Grade Disinfectant Chemicals
- Exposure Control Plan
- Kitchen Cleaning
- Bar Cleaning
- Outdoor Dining Areas
For more information contact us today!
We Thoroughly Clean
Restaurants • Restaurant Kitchens • Bars • Taverns • Night Clubs & Lounges
No Job Too Big or Small!
One Time Cleaning to 7 Days A Week…Day or Night!
Flexible and Customized Bidding Gives Us The Right Services At The Right Budget!
Restaurant Cleaning Typically Includes:




Other Commercial Cleaning Services
Janitorial Services can include:
- Vacuum carpets
- Trash disposal
- Dusting
- Restroom disinfection & sanitization
- Disinfect kitchens
- Sweeping & mopping
- Porter services
- Restrooms Only Options
- Post-Construction Cleanup
Kitchens/Break Rooms
- Clean & Disinfect Tables, Counters, Chairs
- Clean & Sanitize Microwave & Appliances
- Empty Trash Replace Liners
- Clean & Disinfect Sinks, Toilets, Urinals
- Clean & Polish Dispensers, Fixtures, Mirrors
- Wash Floors, Baseboards with Germicidal Cleaners
- Spot Clean Walls & Partitions
Carpet Cleaning & Ongoing Care
- Hot water extraction
- Bonnet cleaning
- Dry chemical cleaning
- Carpet encapsulation
- Vaccuming
Hard Floor Care
- Burnishing vinyl floors
- Strip & Wax refinish
- Scrub & recoat
- Spray buff
- Machine scrub hard floors
- Wood floor care
- VCT Maintenance & Restoration