Facilities We Service
- Apartment Complexes
- Automobile Dealerships
- Banks/Credit Unions
- Bars & Taverns
- Bowling Alleys
- Car Rental Locations
- Churches
- Conference Centers
- Country Clubs
- Day Care Facilities
- Dialysis Centers
- Financial Institutions
- Gyms & Fitness Centers
- Health Care Facilities & Labs
- Hospitals
- Hotels & Conference Centers
- Medical Facilities
- Movie Theaters
- Multi-Tenant Office Buildings
- Municipal Buildings
- Office - General
- Office - Multi Tenant
- Post Construction Sites
- Restaurants
- Retail - Local and "Big Box"
- Salons
- Schools
- Veterinarian Clinics
Office Cleaning San Diego & Orange Counties
Southern California Office Cleaning Services
Your facility’s level of cleanliness impacts the perception others have of your business. The quality of your cleaning service also has a direct effect on the health and morale of the people that work there.
With more than 50 years of experience in the commercial cleaning industry, we have a proven system that works for you.
4-Point Solution for a Clean Work Environment
- Professionally trained and certified staff
- Modern cleaning techniques, equipment and chemicals
- Work specifications customized to your facility type
- Locally owned and operated Service Providers give personalized service
As a full service company, System4 understands that quality training equals quality cleaning. Our Service Providers are trained to:
- Clean with “Green” chemicals
- Utilize cleaning routes to ensure consistent service
- Understand germ and infection control
- Implement a 13-step restroom care program
- Deliver expert services from vacuuming and dusting to advanced floor and carpet care
For more information contact us today!
No Job Too Big or Small!
One Time Cleaning to 7 Days A Week…Day or Night!
Flexible and Customized Bidding Gives Us The Right Services At The Right Budget!
Office Cleaning Typically Includes:




Other Commercial Cleaning Services
Janitorial Services can include:
- Vacuum carpets
- Trash disposal
- Dusting
- Restroom disinfection & sanitization
- Disinfect kitchens
- Sweeping & mopping
- Porter services
- Restrooms Only Options
- Post-Construction Cleanup
Kitchens/Break Rooms
- Clean & Disinfect Tables, Counters, Chairs
- Clean & Sanitize Microwave & Appliances
- Empty Trash Replace Liners
- Clean & Disinfect Sinks, Toilets, Urinals
- Clean & Polish Dispensers, Fixtures, Mirrors
- Wash Floors, Baseboards with Germicidal Cleaners
- Spot Clean Walls & Partitions
Carpet Cleaning & Ongoing Care
- Hot water extraction
- Bonnet cleaning
- Dry chemical cleaning
- Carpet encapsulation
- Vaccuming
Hard Floor Care
- Burnishing vinyl floors
- Strip & Wax refinish
- Scrub & recoat
- Spray buff
- Machine scrub hard floors
- Wood floor care
- VCT Maintenance & Restoration