How to Keep Your Workplace Safe and Healthy with Updated Cleaning Standards

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Introduction to Updated Cleaning Standards:

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many changes in the way we live and work. One of the most important things that have come out of this crisis is a renewed focus on cleanliness and hygiene, especially when it comes to our workplaces. With more people working remotely or spending longer hours at their desks, maintaining a safe and healthy environment is crucial for preventing the spread of illnesses like COVID-19. In light of these new realities, updated cleaning standards have been developed to help keep workers safe and healthy.

Importance of Frequent and Thorough Cleaning:

One of the key takeaways from the pandemic is just how quickly viruses can spread through a population. This means that regular and thorough cleaning is essential if you want to minimize your risk of getting sick. It’s also important to remember that not all surfaces are created equal when it comes to harboring germs. High-touch areas such as door handles, elevator buttons, and shared office equipment should be given special attention during cleanings. By focusing on these areas, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of transmitting illnesses within your workplace.

Best Practices for Post-Pandemic Cleaning Protocols:

There are several best practices that you can follow to ensure that your workplace stays clean and healthy. Firstly, make sure that everyone who enters your building is required to wash their hands before entering. You may even consider installing hand sanitizer stations throughout your facility to encourage frequent use. Secondly, establish clear protocols around touching common surfaces such as doorknobs and elevator buttons. Encouraging employees to use hand sanitizer after touching these surfaces can go a long way towards reducing transmission rates. Finally, invest in high-quality cleaning supplies and equipment so that you can effectively disinfect high-risk areas.

Conclusion: Maintaining a Safe and Healthy Workplace:

In conclusion, keeping your workplace safe and healthy requires a multi-faceted approach that includes frequent and thorough cleaning, adherence to established protocols, and investment in quality cleaning supplies and equipment. While there will always be some level of risk associated with being in close quarters with others, following these guidelines can greatly reduce your chances of contracting an illness while at work. Remember, by taking proactive steps to protect yourself and those around you, you can help build a safer and healthier future for us all.

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