Facilities We Service
- Apartment Complexes
- Automobile Dealerships
- Banks/Credit Unions
- Bars & Taverns
- Bowling Alleys
- Car Rental Locations
- Churches
- Conference Centers
- Country Clubs
- Day Care Facilities
- Dialysis Centers
- Financial Institutions
- Gyms & Fitness Centers
- Health Care Facilities & Labs
- Hospitals
- Hotels & Conference Centers
- Medical Facilities
- Movie Theaters
- Multi-Tenant Office Buildings
- Municipal Buildings
- Office - General
- Office - Multi Tenant
- Post Construction Sites
- Restaurants
- Retail - Local and "Big Box"
- Salons
- Schools
- Veterinarian Clinics
DayCare Cleaning
DayCare Cleaning & Janitorial Services
Managing a day care center comes with a great deal of responsibilities. The daily activities and resulting actions of the children are placed in your hands. Being certain that the children under your supervision are cared for to the highest degree is essential to earning parents’ trust.
Day care facilities are constantly faced with harmful odors, dirty floors, and soiled restrooms. To ensure the safety of our children, it is imperative to provide a clean and healthy environment. Spotless floors, sanitary restrooms, and daily removal of cleaning chemicals are just a few of the necessities that are crucial for the protection of our children.
System4 of Southern Californiaunderstands the importance of performing these services. Our attention to detail and focus on specific cleaning problems that affect the day care industry gives us the ability to provide a safer and healthier environment for our children, therefore giving you and your facility the parental trust you deserve.
With System4, your day care facility will receive the following services specific to the industry:
- Floor and Carpet Care
- Window/Glass Cleaning
- Restroom Sanitation
- Use of Hospital-Grade Disinfectants and Green Cleaning Products
- Daily Removal of Chemicals from Facility
- Customized Work Schedule
- Security Identification Badges for Workers
- 24 Hour Customer Service
- Liability Insurance and Bonding
For more information contact us today!
No Job Too Big or Small!
One Time Cleaning to 7 Days A Week…Day or Night!
Flexible and Customized Bidding Gives Us The Right Services At The Right Budget!
Child DayCare Facility Cleaning Typically Include:




Other Commercial Cleaning Services
Janitorial Services can include:
- Vacuum carpets
- Trash disposal
- Dusting
- Restroom disinfection & sanitization
- Disinfect kitchens
- Sweeping & mopping
- Porter services
- Restrooms Only Options
- Post-Construction Cleanup
Kitchens/Break Rooms
- Clean & Disinfect Tables, Counters, Chairs
- Clean & Sanitize Microwave & Appliances
- Empty Trash Replace Liners
- Clean & Disinfect Sinks, Toilets, Urinals
- Clean & Polish Dispensers, Fixtures, Mirrors
- Wash Floors, Baseboards with Germicidal Cleaners
- Spot Clean Walls & Partitions
Carpet Cleaning & Ongoing Care
- Hot water extraction
- Bonnet cleaning
- Dry chemical cleaning
- Carpet encapsulation
- Vaccuming
Hard Floor Care
- Burnishing vinyl floors
- Strip & Wax refinish
- Scrub & recoat
- Spray buff
- Machine scrub hard floors
- Wood floor care
- VCT Maintenance & Restoration