Back to School Blues? Not with These Post-Pandemic Cleaning Tips

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As the new school year approaches, parents and teachers alike are feeling a mix of emotions. Excitement for reunions with friends, anxiety about new routines, and uncertainty around post-pandemic cleaning protocols. With the COVID-19 pandemic still impacting our lives, it’s more important than ever to prioritize cleanliness and hygiene in schools. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about updated cleaning standards in the wake of COVID-19.

The Importance of Regular Cleaning and Disinfecting

Schools should be cleaned regularly and thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs. This includes all surfaces that students and staff come into contact with, such as desks, chairs, door handles, and bathroom fixtures. It’s also essential to disinfect high-touch areas like handrails, elevator buttons, and staircase banisters. To ensure maximum effectiveness, use products specifically designed for killing viruses and bacteria.

How to Properly Sanitize Classrooms, Hallways, and Common Areas

In addition to regular cleaning, schools should implement a comprehensive sanitation program. This involves using a combination of detergents, disinfectants, and other chemical agents to kill pathogens. Pay special attention to classrooms, hallways, and common areas where people congregate. Use microfiber cloths or mops to remove debris and then apply your chosen sanitizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Tips for Keeping Your Child’s Backpack and Lunchbox Germ-Free

Backpacks and lunchboxes can harbor all sorts of germs, including those that cause colds, flu, and other illnesses. Teach your child to keep their backpack off the floor and away from shared surfaces. Encourage them to wash their hands before handling food or drinks, and remind them not to share utensils or containers with others. You may also want to consider investing in antibacterial liners for their lunchbox or adding a layer of plastic wrap between food items.

Why Handwashing is More Crucial Than Ever Before

Handwashing remains one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of disease. Remind your children to wash their hands frequently throughout the day, especially after using the restroom, coughing or sneezing, or touching shared surfaces. Use warm water and soap to scrub your hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds. Dry your hands with a clean paper towel or air dryer.


With these tips in mind, you can help ensure that your child stays healthy and safe during the school year. Remember to follow recommended guidelines for social distancing, mask-wearing, and other protective measures. And don’t forget to communicate openly with your child’s teacher and school administration about any concerns you have regarding cleaning protocols or other safety issues. Together, we can work towards a safer and healthier future for everyone.

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